reviews (29 posts)

Bobby Schroeder Bobby Schroeder

Thoughts on Umineko

Part of me would like to do a much longer Umineko review and go way more in depth, but I'm already in the middle of writing two other huge game reviews, so I need to just do the sane thing and keep this one on the…

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Bobby Schroeder Bobby Schroeder

Thoughts on Sonic 3!

Mirrored from the original post on Thanks Ken Penders. On December 10th, 2018, I was on the last day of a trip to Milwaukee. The night before, I'd attended the wedding of one of my best friends, Jake, who I've known since high school. Even…

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Bobby Schroeder Bobby Schroeder

A tale of three Triguns

Recently, Anthony and I watched the original 1998 Trigun anime, one of my boyfriend’s favorites that I'd always meant to get around to. I enjoyed it a lot. Immediately after this, we figured we'd watch Orange's modernized CGI take on the series from last year,…

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Bobby Schroeder Bobby Schroeder

Sonic Prime: Season 1 thoughts

This was originally posted to Thanks Ken Penders on Tumblr. The first eight episodes of Sonic Prime are out! I've been busy for obvious reasons this past week (I kinda released a video game), but I've now seen all eight episodes, and as such can…

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